Sharing Progress in Neonatology Including 39th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement 2024
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SPIN 2024 Sharing Progress in Neonatology Including 39th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement. May 31 – June 01, 2024 All scheduled times indicated in the programme will take place in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
The “Sharing Progress in Neonatology (SPIN)” conference, including the 39th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement, will take place from May 31 to June 1, 2024, in Madrid, Spain. This event invites experts, delegates, speakers, professionals, researchers, and students from the international community to participate. The conference will provide a platform for scientists and experts from different cultures to discuss innovations and technologies, highlight the latest advances in the care of premature newborns, and enhance practical skills
The “Sharing Progress in Neonatology (SPIN)” conference, including the 39th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement, invites a diverse group of professionals and stakeholders involved in neonatal care. The target audience includes:
- Physician
- Delegates
- Speakers
- Professionals
- Researchers
- Students from the international community
This conference provides a platform for scientists and experts from different cultures to discuss innovations and technologies, highlight the latest advances in the care of premature newborns, and enhance practical skills
List of Topics:
16th Bengt Robertson Memorial Lecture An endless story.mp4
Case Presentations of different NICU.mp4
Free Presentations Day 1.mp4
Free Presentations Day 2.mp4
Session 1.mp4
Session 2.mp4
Session 3.mp4
Session 4.mp4
Session 5.mp4
Welcome Introduction.mp4
* Detail:
- Friday, May 31
08:45-09:15 16th Bengt Robertson Memorial Lecture An endless story: What is the best strategy and device for non- invasive ventilation? Haresh Kirpalani, Philadelphia, USA
09:15-09:45 Cord clamping, cord milking and optimal oxygenation in the first minutes of life Satyan Lakshminrusimha, Davis, USA
09:45-10:15 Optimal ventilation strategies in preterm infants: A myth? Richard Sindelar, Uppsala, Sweden
10:15-11:00 Round Table: Strategies of optimal oxygenation and ventilation S. Lakshiminrusimha, C.C. Roehr, O.D. Saugstad, R. Sindelar
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-13:15 SESSION II Chairperson: E. Herting, Lübeck, Germany; R. Ramanathan, Los Angeles, USA
11:30-12:00 RDS in late preterm infants: Surfactant deficiency or something else? Virgillio Carnielli, Ancona, Italy
12:00-12:30 No iNO for preterm PH? Satyan Lakshminrusimha, Davis, USA
12:30-13:15 Round Table: Indications, limitations and open questions of surfactantan NO treatment V. Carnielli, E. Herting, S. Lakshminrusimha, R. Ramanathan
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-16:30 SESSION III Chairperson: M. Hallman, Oulu, Finland; C.P. Speer, Würzburg, Germany
14:15-14:45 LISA: Benefits, risks and limitations – a dialogue Peter Dargaville, Hobart, Australia; Christoph Härtel, Würzburg, Germany
14:45-15:15 Surfactant and budesonide: A magic combination to prevent BPD? Brett Manley, Melbourne, Australia
15:45-16:30 Round Table: LISA and surfactant as carrier of drugs P. Dargaville, M. Hallman, B. Manley, C.P. Speer, C. Wright
16:30-17:00 Coffee
17:00-18:00 Free Presentations Chairperson: K. Sekar, Oklahoma City, USA, G. Lista, Milano, Italy
Relaxant effect of pulmonary surfactant on airway smooth muscle: the role of prostaglandin E2 Juliana Hanusrichterova, Maros Kolomazni, Romana Barosova, Jana Adamcakova, Daniela Mokra, Juraj Mokry, Henrieta Skovierova, Margaret Kelly, Elaine de Heuvel, Shahina Wiehler, David Proud, Hua Shen, Priyanka Mukherjee, Matthias Amrein, Andrea Calkovska Bratislava, Slovakia; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Copenhagen, Denmark; Bristol, United Kingdom; Poznan, Poland; Viareggio, Italy; Valencia, Spain; Trondheim, Norway; Stockholm, Sweden; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Freiburg, Germany; Créteil, France; Beijing, China; San Diego, USA; Hobart, Australia
08:30-10:45 SESSION IV Chairpersons: K. Glaser, Leipzig, Germany; D. Sweet, Belfast, Northern Ireland
08:30-09:00 Inflammatory mechanisms in preterm infants and potential anti-inflammatory strategies Clyde Wright, Denver, USA
09:00-09:30 Caffeine: Timing, risks and benefits Barbara Schmidt, Philadelphia, USA
09:30-10:00 A PDA in extreme preterm infants, should we stop talking about it or avoid a Babylonian confusion of tongues? Tim Hundscheid, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
10:00-10:45 Round Table: Basic science and evidence-based neonatology T. Hundscheid, K. Glaser, B. Schmidt, D. Sweet, C. Wright
10:45-11:15 Coffee
11:15-13:00 SESSION V Chairperson: E. Özek, Istanbul, Turkey; O.D. Saugstad, Oslo, Norway
11:15-11:45 Involving parents and patients in research Neena Modi, London, UK
11:45-12:15 Artificial intelligence and machine learning in neonatology Joseph Neu, Gainesville, USA
12:15-13:00 Round Table: The role of parents and artificial intelligence N. Modi, J. Neu, E. Özek, O.D. Saugstad
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Case Presentations of different NICU Patients A. Lavizzari, Milano, Italy; C.C. Roehr, Bristol, Oxford, UK
15:30-18:00 Free Presentations Chairpersons: T. Curstedt, Stockholm, Sweden; V. Carnielli, Ancona, Italy Chairperson: T. Curstedt, Stockholm, Sweden; V. Carnielli, Ancona, Italy
Prenatal care and delivery room stabilisation for preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome: a nation- wide survey in China
Yuan Shi, Long Chen, Yong Ji, Rong JU, Ling LIU, Jiang-qin Liu, Jingyun Shi, Lili Wang, Hui WU, Falin Xu, Chuanzhong Yang, Huayan Zhang
Chongqing,Taiyuan, Chengdu, Guiyang, Shanghai, Lanzhou, Hefei, Changchun, Zhengzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, China
Investigating the awareness of the medical community regarding the long-term respiratory implications of prem- ature birth: results of the PRE-TELL international survey (PREmatures towards effective lifelong lung care) Federico Bianco, Laura Costa, Natalia Meshchenkova, Laura Franzini, Elena Nudo, Marielle van der Deijl, Xabier Murgia, Ful- vio Braido, Leonardo M Fabbri, Alberto Papi, Andrew Bush, Daiana Stolz, Klaus F Rabe, Anna Lavizzari, Charles Christoph Roehr, Alvar Agusti, Anne Greenough, Eugenio Baraldi Padova, Italy, Parma, Italy, Bilbao, Spain, Genova, Italy, Ferrara, Italy, London, United Kingdom, Basel, Switzerland, Freiburg, Germany; Kiel, Germany; Milan, Italy; Bristol, United Kingdom; Barcelona, Spain
Application of artificial intelligence based clinical decision support system for the diagnosis and treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants Senem Alkan Özdemir, Akgün Oral, Mehmet Can, Mehmet Can, Emin Argun Oral, İbrahim Yücel, Aslı Nur Ömeroğlu, Hus- sein Alameri, Tülin Gökmen Yıldırım İzmir , Türkiye
Panel discussion
18:00 Closing Remarks